Ms. Lanka 2012 – Beauty for a Cause
Mr. Thanuj Haputhanthri from Softlogis presenting the trophy for Ms. Talent – Ms. Nadeeka Weerasinghe.
Ms. Ranmali Gunawardena sashing Ms. Talent – Ms. Nadeeka Weerasinghe.
Ms. Melani Jayaweera from Salon STRANDS and Ms. Natalie Whittol sashing Ms. Body Beautiful – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Mr. Vinal De Silva, Brand Manger, Brown & Company sashing Ms. Photogenic – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Mr. Nalin Jayawardena, General Manager, Consumer Division, Brown & Company presenting the trophy for Ms. Photogenic – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Ms. Geetha Kanakaratne sashing Ms. Congeniality – Ms. Natalie Fernando.
Ms. Eshani Jinasena presenting the trophy for Ms. Congeniality – Ms. Natalie Fernando
Mrs. Ranjani De Alwis sashing Ms. Beautiful Smile – Ms. Nilupulie Karunaratne.
Ms. Surangi Cooray presenting the trophy for Ms. Beautiful Smile – Ms. Nilupulie Karunaratne.
Ms. Ranmali Gunaardena sashing Ms. Exotic Eyes – Ms. Nadeeka Weerasinghe.
Ms. Eshani Jinasena presenting the trophy for Ms. Exotic Eyes – Ms. Nadeeka Weerasinghe.
Ms. Milani Jayaweera sashing Ms. Crowning Glory – Ms. Imesha Wijeratne.
Ms. Nilusha Kariyawasam presenting the trophy for Ms. Crowning Glory – Ms. Imesha Wijeratne.
Ms. Jayanthi Panchalatha sashing Ms. National Dress – Ms. Ashini Perera & Ms. Natalie Fernando.
Ms. Eresha Dinayadura sashing Ms. Designer – Ms. Ashini Perera.
Ms. Nilusha Dinayadura presenting the trophy for Ms. Designer – Ms. Ashini Perera.
Ms. Lanka 2012 – Ms. Chethya Ranasinghe.
Ms. Sunday Observer – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Winners of Ms. Lanka 2012.
Ms. Asoka Casechetty sashing Ms. Personality – Ms. Nadeeka Weerasinghe.
Mr. Nalin Jayawardena, General Manager, Consumer Division, Brown & Company presenting the trophy for Ms. Personality – Ms. Nadeeka Weerasinghe.
Mrs. Lucille Dahanayake, Chairperson, Hermes International sashing Ms. Elegance – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Ms. Christine Cooray presenting the trophy for Ms. Elegance – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Ms. Ayura Perera, Secretary, City & Guilds presenting the trophy for Ms. Catwalk – Ms. Natalie Fernando.
Ms. Ramya Weerakoon, Chairperson, Trendy Wear sashing Ms. Catwalk – Ms. Natalie Fernando.
Miss Sri Lanka 2012, Vinu Siriwardena sashing Ms. Sunday Observer – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Mrs. Krishani Hewavisenti, Director, Cosmetology, Technique International presenting a scholarship for Beautician Diploma – Value Rs. 50,000 from Technique International to Ms. Sunday Observer – Ms. Iesha Erandi.
Mr. Dinesh Weerawanse, Editor in chief, Sunday Observer sashing Ms. Lanka 2012 – Ms. Chethya Ranasinghe.
Top 5 Finalists. –
Ms Ashini Perera,
Ms Iesha Erandi,
Ms Chethya Ranasinghe,
Ms Natalie Fernando,
Ms Nadeeka Weerasinghe
Mrs. Ramya Weerakoon of Trendy Wear presenting the gift to Ms. Lanka 2012 – Ms. Chethya Ranasinghe.
Mr. K. Kuhatheva – Chairman, Technique International presenting the Trophy to Ms. Lanka 2012 – Ms. Chethya Ranasinghe.
Mrs. Krishani Hewavisenti, Director, Cosmetology, Technique International presenting a Scholarship for full Diploma course in Hair dressing & Beauty Therapy at Technique International – Value Rs. 100,000 to Ms. Lanka 2012 – Ms. Chethya Ranasinghe.
Ms. Lanka 2012 – Ms. Chethya Ranasinghe.
Winners of Ms. Lanka 2012.
Hair, Makeup & Dressing by – The team from Technique International (Pvt) Ltd, Institute of Vocational Studies, Led by:
- Nilusha Kariyawasam
- Geetha Kanakaratne
- Chandrika De Silva
- Eshani Jinasena
- Chinthani Madhushanika
- Glory Abeywardena
- Sherine Wijetunge
- Jegatheeshwary Kanagaratnam
- Natalie Whittol
- Milanie Jayaweera
- Pushpa Damayanthi